Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Finished Farm Table

Yay! Its done!! many many hours of sanding and preping and many coatings later...its done!!!


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Farm Table

Since this is a blog about my garden, and my vegetables go on the table, I thought I'd put in a blurb about our new farm table we are building. :)

I found this on pintrest and really like it. I wanted a bigger table but wasn't liking the large price tags I saw. We really like the beefy, warm look it gives. So my uncle helped us build it and now I'm refinishing it. I did some sanding on it tonight and ill post another picture once I finish sanding it.

It's around 7' without extensions and a little over 9.5' with.

Beans into the freezer, tomatoes into the salad

Here are some beens, washed, cut and ready for the freezer. Also some yummy tomatoes ready for our salad! I live this season!!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Dinner from the garden

Mmmm... nothing quite like fresh veggies from my own garden!

We had Green beans, green onion, swiss chard and beets sliced up. I layed them all out on a veggie grill basket and painted them with olive oil. Then I simply added salt and pepper and grilled em! Turned out delish! Even my husband enjoyed it! And he doesnt like beans, swiss chard OR beets! Then we also had rice and a salad of swiss chard, cucumber, dill and tomatoes from the garden!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Raised Garden:
I built this raised garden along the East side of my deck in the back yard, along with the help of my hubs and God. Here is what I used:

4 x 6 x 12 pressure treated wood from Home Depot
2 x 6 x 12 pressure treated lumber from Home Depot
17 foot long nails
1/2" thick rebar

First we drilled holes through the 6" deep wood. Then we drove the rebar down through those holes into the ground to hold the 4x6s in place.

Then we used screws on the inside corners to hold the two pieces together. Next we layered the next level of wood on top and drilled holes to make the nails go in a little easier. After the holes were drilled, we drove the nails through, securing the second level to the bottom level, which is secured to the ground with rebar.

Then we did the same steps to add the third level. We will add the 2x6s on after I get my uncle to help me cut the edges at an angle to fit together and router the edge to be rounded. Ill post pictures again at that time. It will make for nice seating in the back yard as well as a nice seat while I weed the garden. :)

We will also stain it the same color as the deck when we redo the deck stain next summer or later this fall.

Job well done hubbie!
But lets save a little bit of the beer for this slug/snail trap k? haha!

Here is a drawing and cut list if anyone is interested, although your measurements and size of garden may be different that what we have done here.

Here is a tomato from one of my tomato plants. This plant is giving very yummy tasting, medium to small round tomatoes. :)

And here is a cucumber. I actually took this picture about a week ago but I still hoped to see more of these little guys by this time. I will wait and see how many I get by fall though!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Here is my lettuce in the potted container. They look very interesting and pretty on the deck.
See those sticks leaning up against the house? I planted some clematis that were on special at Home depot. $5 each. They should come in strong and beautiful next year.

A closer look. This one is hot pink.  As you can see, this one in starting to blossom again.
Here is a close up of the sign (same one as above)

This one is purple and I put it in the middle

And this one is a light pink. The foliage was mostly dead on this one so I stripped it back and it is already starting to grow again.

See the little vines starting again there?

I find my corn to be kind of comical. They are so short! haha! They arent getting enough sun in this location. Next year Ill plant them on the East garden of the deck.

Here are my beans. flast night I had a dream that I had a pretty arch in this corner of the yard. The beans climbed and covered it nicely. I think I may in fact do just that. :) It would look quite pretty in the corner which is currently boring, with nothing special going on. With the clematis climbing the wall and the bean arch, it could be quite attractive! We will see!

Here are some tomatoes in the west garden. They seem to be doing ok here! I wasnt expecting that! I thought it wouldnt be enough sun light.

mmm tomatoes...

And here is some parsley! Yay! One of my favourites I have grown this year, next to my lettuce and Swiss Chard!

And here is the tomato plant in west garden of the deck under the ash. its ok. not wonderful though.

My Beets are getting ready to pick. I picked a few today and they are good. The only thing I dont like is there is something happening to the beet leaves. I am learning as I go here but I want to get rid of this problem before it gets worse. :S

Here is a closer look at the beet leaves

And here is a look at the whole patch

This is what the beets look like in the west garden. As you can see, they are a far cry from the ones in the south garden. So small. Not enough sun here for beets I guess. I will not put beets in this garden next year.

And here are the beets I tried in the garden along the west of the deck, under the ash tree. Again, very small. I wont plant beets here either next year.

Here is the mint I planted to help with pests in the middle of my garden, close to the radishes.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

To avoid worms in your radishes, put wood ashes in the rows just before planting them. I have used that method and it works.

I want to try something different with another of section of radishes I want to plant here in the next day or two.

My radishes bolted but they also didnt form a sizeable bulb or if they did, they had kind of like a worm section eaten out.

So I am going to go down to the greenhouse or home depot or something and ask what is available to avoid this problem. I was reading on some blogs and one lady used sluggo and says that it worked great. I dont think this was slugs though. Another person said to use some stuff you mix into the soil that has tiny jagged egdes and it kills the worms. Another person said that doesnt work very well. Maybe they didnt use enough. Another person said to use a floating row cover. I dont want to get one of those. Another website mentioned planting mint close by because bugs dont like mint. I might try that. I will go talk to some people first before I decide and plant this section of radishes though.