Friday, 4 July 2014

Our Gardens July 4th 2014

This year, we planted on May long weekend and the following week as well. I brought in more dirt from the farm and built a new flower box, which I planted mostly annuals with a few perennials. Pictures to come. Being 8 Months pregnant, I wasn't sure how much gardening I would want to do this summer. My love for it has not wavered though, this belly makes for hard weeding. Yay for the raised gardens! Haha! As for our veggie garden, front garden and herb garden, here is what we have so far.

My Herb Garden this year. Needs a bit of weeding again. :) I left it to seed last fall and it has come back beautifully. My arch of parsley however, has not come in at all this year around. I replanted but nothing came out. I will try again here right away. Also my dill did not come in. I love Dill! One of my favourites! I tried replanting that as well and nothing. I will try replacing again up front, where there is more sun and see if it does any better here. 

I added some strawberries to help fill my herb garden. They are multiplying slowly and that is the plan.  I picked two ripe red ones yesterday and have another I saw this morning. I have to be quick so the birds don't get them. Does anyone have any tips to save my strawberries from those pesky crows?

POTATOES!!! I planted 9 Yukon Golds this year. This is the first year I planted potatoes in the garden location. So far they are doing great! I planted 6 here along the sunny south side of the deck and another 3 along the shaded part. All 9 are doing well. The sunny ones are bigger though of course!

My Green Onions came in so early this spring as the snow melted. I have been breaking off the flowers on top and not sure what the result will be if I leave them on? Will the onion be more bitter? Also, my garlic chives, as you can see to the right on the picture, I have left the flowers. I am wondering, if I keep breaking off the flowers, will they still come back nicely next year? 

This is my Small Sweet Roma Climbing Tomato Plant. I got all of my tomato plants, as well as a few perennials this year from Dianne's Mom, here in Edmonton. 

This is my Sub Arctic Early Tomato Plant.

This one is the Caspian Pink Heirloom Tomato. The fruit should be large. Ill take pictures of the actual tomatoes once they are ripe for picking!

This one is a Bush Beefsteak. She only had this one left and had be rejected by someone else due to yellowed leaves. So far its growing strong. I lucked out!

I let the lettuce last year go to seed. It has randomly popped up wherever. Its great! Haha! It is making a nice filler of space between the larger plants and I can thin them out as the other plants need the space. Lots of lush green! Plus they came in at their own pace and seem to be doing great! I also planted corn along the rope trellis and beans. Beans will give the soil nitrogen and corn needs nitrogen, so win win! The beans can climb the trellis and the corn if it likes. I also have a cucumber planted here along the bottom left corner. Butternut squash, zucchini (which came up unexpectedly) and a watermelon sugar baby. The watermelon promptly died. I wonder if Salisbury has a policy for that?

This one is Vilma Compact Cherry Tomato. It has some spots on some of the leaves. i put some Sevin on the leaves. Hope that helps.

And this one I believe is Folcarosso Red Plumb Shape Tomato plant. 

So tomatoes in same spot as last year, and then radishes with spinach and beets (a variety of different beets throughout). carrots (again a variety), peas (Only ONE came up out of the whole package. I replanted again the day before yesterday.) and some rocket lettuce at the far end. Along the deck side, I put alternating, lettuce and swiss chard. 

Also, in between the pea rows, I put spinach. They have already bolted from this hot hot week we are having. I pinched off.

Sweet Millian Yellow Tumbling Tomato for a basket or planter pot. I have to keep these well watered as they dry out quickly!

This one is Balcony Charm Tomato. 

My Mint. Someone gave me this plant in the winter. One of those little herb plants from Safeway. It has gone crazy growing since I planted it here!

This is my MOSQUITO REPELLING Plant Mix! It has Marigold 'Lemon Gem' (The yellow flowers), Lemon Grass (The tall spiky grass in the back), Citronella Geranium (The pink flowers), Golden Thyme (Along the front and under the Marigold - cuz the Marigold got so big!),  and Artist Purple Ageratum hybrid (its a purple flower kind of buried under the marigold as well). So far, I haven't seen one mosquito on my deck!

This is my Avocado tree I started last year and it grew in the house all winter. It wilted some when I moved it outside. I slowly introduced it to outside a little each day for about a week but still wilty

My Hostas. I LOVE HOSTAS! They took a while to come back this spring so I was worried they were not going to. And yet here they are, strong and beautiful!

I added a few new perennials that I got from Dianne's mom this spring. My tiger lilly came in from last year and the irises along the wall. We are planning to add dirt slowly as we bring it from the farm and build up a garden with actual dirt here over time. This is my least favourite garden. Hopefully that changes as we change it!