Thursday, 20 August 2015

Backyard Apples - Picking | Storing | Eating. How and when, tips and info for Apples in Edmonton.

With Fall being around the corner, you have noticed many fruit trees are "ripe for the pickin!" 

In Edmonton this year, we had some hail earlier this season, which may have knocked off the buds or the small fruit at that time. Because of this and the drought, some are not seeing the same fruit load as past years. This hasn't effected all of the fruit trees in and around Edmonton though! I have seen many apple and cherry trees that are laden with fruit this week. 

I came across an article by Salisbury Greenhouse and thought I would share. It has great info about different types of apples and how they are best used. It also talks about storing, picking and eating. Tips are always great when you are learning or a new home owner and find yourself with a new apple tree and don't have previous experience! 

So here you go! Enjoy!

Friday, 14 August 2015

Apple Maggots in Edmonton

I found an interesting read today. Perhaps this is what has been happening to my Apples and Cherries!!

Apparently I need to not compost these apples and make sure to pick them up as soon as they fall!