Friday, 31 August 2018

How To Get Rid of Ants in the Garden Safely and Naturally

We have a garden. We have small kids and pets. We also have had ants in the back yard. Although the ants don't specifically harm my plants, they do encourage aphids by taking care of aphid predators in that area. Plus fire ants are not fun. Little kids playing and unknowingly sitting on an ant hill = not fun times.

We know that herbicides and pesticides have been strongly linked to cancer in dogs that spend time in yards that have been treated with herbicides and pesticides. We also know that there has been research and a strong correlation between certain types of lymphoma in humans when exposed to herbicides and pesticides. This is a strong reason why we always search for natural solutions to common problems in our garden.

Here is what we do to get rid of ants in our back yard:

Ant Repellant made with Essential Oils:

  • 30 drops of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil (We do not ever substitute our Essential Oil to be other brands. We have not found any other brand that is as potent and effective. Want to learn more? I have personally even been to some of the farms. If you find yourself close to one, I highly recommend stopping! So awesome to see!)
  • 10 drops Young Living Spearmint Essential Oil
  • 10 Drops Young Living (YL) Citronella Essential Oil (EO)
  • 10 drops YL Orange EO
  • 10 drops YL Cedarwood EO
  • Mix in large bottle (glass or stainless steal preferably if you can find one) with a litre of water. spray on all ant hills and trails in the yard. 
Here is where I buy my essential oils at wholesale pricing. I haven't found any other brand to be as potent or effective. So if you want results, these oils are your best bet: