But then we had a strong storm here two nights ago. My lettuce was mostly pummelled...
Im going to try to lift the leaves off the mud each day and pull off the leaves so they can start over without getting blight. I think most of the plants will grow again. I am going to pull out the worst ones and replant too. That way I can have new lettuce late summer/early fall too.
We also added a Romeo cherry tree to our back yard about a week ago. My son really likes the cherries it has on the branches. I do too and it looks so nice. I plan to keep it pruned so it doesn't get too big but stays manageable for fruit picking and yard size.
Next spring we plan to get a plum tree too. I want to get one that has more than one kind of plum grafted on for cross pollination. That way I only need to get one tree as my neighbours don't have plum trees.
We discovered that one of the trees in the back has a few branches towards the fence that are growing apples too. The tree is way over grown. I think it was an apple tree that had been grafted onto the trunk of a different tree from a nursery. I think the trunk had water sprouts that were allowed to grow and actually took over most of the tree leaving only a few branches at the back as apple. This fall I will trim it back and try to help balance this out. I want to be careful though not to be too aggressive as I have never done that before and I don't want to kill the tree. I want it to be prominently apple though. I don't know what kind of apple tree though. I will wait until the fruit matures and then try to determine that from the fruit.
Also, overnight last night smoke from a fire in Northwest Alberta blew over Edmonton. It is hazy and smoky outside. I am not sure how or if that will affect my garden. I will see.
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